Maths proves Denmark is not real

If there are 5.9 million Danes out of 7.8 billion humans, that means Danes make up 0.0848% of the planet.

Thats not 8%—that’s point zero eight percent, less than a percent.

To put it another way, 99.9% of the planet are not Danes.

denmark doesn't exist

How do we know this? Government censuses. And we can’t trust the government can we?

Now, lets say we trust the authorities and their so call ‘census’, the best government censuses have a margin of error of at least 1%.

So, Danes make up 0.0848% of the planet, plus or minus one percent.

In conclusion: there is a 50/50 chance Denmark doesn’t exist.

Written by Addison M. Kentt

I’m a undercover journalist who started believing the conspiracy as a joke, but now I’ve slowly started believing it myself after finding compelling evidence. I’m from Solvang California, but moved around a lot as a kid, until I moved to Fort Worth Texas 13 years ago. I’m 36, no kids, 1/16th Irish, Spanish and Italian on my mother’s side. I have two siblings, Declan, 30, and Ashleigh, 25. I started journalism because I’m interested in expanding my knowledge on the world, its people, and different perspectives.


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